SRT, developed and open-sourced by Haivision, is available as open-source under MPL license on GitHub. SRT is a Haivision trademark and may be used within the guidelines set out in the SRT Alliance Membership Guide. Although SRT may be referred to freely within technical documentation and specifications, SRT Alliance Members may use the SRT Alliance and SRT logos.

SRT Ready status (and logo use) is reserved exclusively for SRT Alliance members who have integrated open source SRT from GitHub into their solution. Members can leverage SRT branding in association with their SRT Ready products by using the SRT Ready logo once SRT is made generally available in their shipping solution. As SRT Ready is a self-certification, members are responsible for documenting each solution and their integration and interoperability with SRT.

SRT Plugged status (and logo use) is reserved exclusively for SRT Alliance members who have validated interoperability of their products with third party SRT Ready devices and solutions within an SRT Alliance sponsored SRT InterOp Plugfest event.
Do you have an SRT Ready solution?
Tell us more! Contact the SRT Alliance with a brief description of your solution and we’ll add you to the growing list of SRT Ready members on the website.
SRT Ready trailblazers
To see a list of SRT Ready Alliance members who are actively helping to expand the SRT ecosystem, check out our members page and click on the SRT Ready option in the navigation bar.